Obama as "boss of bosses"
Obama brings Erdogan into bat
The image the White House used to illustrate United States President Barack Obama's phone call to Recep Tayyip Erdogan conveyed a simple but blunt message, according to the Turkish press: "Whack Bashar, Erdogan Bey". However, in helping overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the Turkish prime minister is hamstrung by a state of disarray in Turkey's armed forces that he helped to engineer.
- M K Bhadrakumar (Aug 3, '12)
Remember this. Obama is the Communist who said he has the right to whack any American citizen on U.S. soil he wants to!
Batter Up - The Untouchables (3/10) Movie CLIP (1987) HD
Where does everything in the transnational drug trade and banking criminal cartel and New World Order meet? here:
The Justice of God: MI6 - 10 articles - scroll back with Older Posts link right bottom of article to see all articles
The "rebels" which are Death Squads in Syria are from outside the country and outside the Syrian people and are inserted to expand the New World Order Antichrist empire of Satan and Dajjal worshipping IsraHell.
The Justice of God: Obama and Putin, both are Communists. - Gamesmanship and lies.
Obama and Putin, both are Communists. - Gamesmanship and lies.
Obama at bat and then Putin at bat. All pre-arranged dog and pony show to dominate the world together. Remember that both are Communists.