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Al Jazeera Syria Live Blog

Al Jazeera Syria Live Blog
Al Jazeera Syria Live Blog live link click picture

Friday, March 15, 2013

Notice - Aviso

This blog has NO ACCOUNT with and has not linked to Tumblr
if this appears it is without consent and has been placed there unlawfully by Internet hackers

Do not pay any attention to this:
SECURITY WARNING: Please treat the URL above as you would your password and do not share it with anyone.
 – it was inserted on the Internet by Domestic/Foreign unlawful Shadow criminal hackers

It is obvious that Unlawful Mercenaries and their Unlawful concomitant cyber hackers have Unlawfully inserted this. Ignore it. It is only meant to distract and prevent the Lawful dissemination of simple Prayer to Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ said that John 15:18 If the world hate you, know ye, that it hath hated me before you.

No preste ninguna atención a este:
ADVERTENCIA DE SEGURIDAD: trata la dirección URL como si fuera tu contraseña y no la compartas con nadie.
 – fue insertado en el Internet por 'hackers' del criminales ilegales Domésticos/extranjeros que viven en las sombras

Es obvio que los Mercenarios Ilegales y su fenómeno concomitante Ilegal hackeres ciber han insertado Ilegalmente este. No haga caso de ello. Sólo se destina para distraer y prevenir la diseminación Legal del Rezo simple a Nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo. Nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo dijeron que Juan 15:18 Si el mundo os aborrece, sabed que á mí me aborreció antes que á vosotros.

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